Here are some ways to donate:
- Sponsor a missionary:
We’re looking to send 10-15 men. Each missionary actually needs about $1,400 to go which includes airfare, food, accommodations, translators, in country travel, supplies and so forth. Give enough to help one or more missionaries go using links below. Possibly use to get your friends, coworkers, Facebook buddies etc. to help you give. There’s 3 months time to help them raise the money and we can help you in your efforts. Just reply below saying this is what you want to do. We’ll meet online with you to help you get started. You’ll receive a Christ Church Missions Minded Member t-shirt plus an engraved phone charger commemorating your giving. - Donate towards airfare and initial registration:
We’re looking to get the missionaries their airfare and initial registration taken care of quickly. That’s $525 per missionary. Consider donating this amount to help the missionaries get started by using links below. If doing that over 3 months just reply below and let me know. You’ll receive a Christ Church Missions Minded Member t-shirt.
- Standard donation:
Anything you give helps the team towards their goals. Choose a donation from $100, $50 or even just $20 to help using the links below. We’re looking to raise at least $5,250 in funds from this method this month. That’s just 53 people giving $100 in a church of 8,000. It can be done. You’ll receive a Christ Church Missions Minded Member sticker.
- When you donate you’ve become a partner in the cause. We’ll send you blog updates and more to keep you updated on the progress of our mission trip. We’ll also let you know when you can join us for some of our bigger fundraising campaigns like car washes, items to purchase and possibly raffles. We’ll keep you updated.
Donation links:
- Online donation link:
- Donate specifically to the girls at Villa Esparanza: (mention the money goes to cthe girls in Nicaragua in notes section, say from Christ Church for tracking purposes)
Any questions reach out to me personally using the form below or:
Deacon Todd Sayles
Mobile: 908-240-9649
Feel free to forward this to other interested parties. Thanks again for partnering with us.