Here are the prayers we need from you all as well this week starting Monday, October 23rd:

  1. Pray for the right men to be lead to come
  2. Pray for increase of faith in the men going
  3. Pray for a deeper walk for the men going
  4. Pray for the Nicaragua to experience peace between the government and its people
  5. Pray the dads to hang in there and stay connected to the family
  6. Pray for the 150 Pastors who will spread the 24/7 Dads training all across Nicaragua.

Women’s Prayer line:
Lead by Reva Mosley
8:30PM on Mondays
Call number 515-739-1015
Code 568-570-503

Men’s Prayer Line:
Saturdays at 8AM.
Lead by Todd Sayles
Call number: 641-715-3660
code: 772854#
Brothers that pray together stay together.

Need more information or you’re a man interested in going with us on the trip feel free to contact Todd Sayles. Thank you so much for your support.