We just completed our 1st day of training. Connecting back with our old Villa worker friends from last year was a happy moment. Even better, they brought their wives to be trained as well in the Understanding Dad program. Everyone shared during the training with some breaking down and crying at times about their situations. One couple felt that they were at the end of their marriage. Thankfully our Dads for Managua Missionaries were able to comfort the people and express hope… to them as well. It was powerful. Afterwards the women asked if they could bring other women and we said Yes.
Unfortunately heavy rains held us from Pastor Berman’s church but we’re believing that won’t happen again and we’ll get there tonight. I’ve not seen rain like that in a while. It can become a flooding rain all of a sudden. Even the workers were surprised by it.
Thank you again to our supporters. Without you we would not be able to get here and bring the educational materials that are best helpful to them. Keep us in prayer especially with the weather down here.
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