Today was the 3rd and final day of teaching with the women from various churches in the surrounding area. Over the 3 days we completed the 8 sessions of the Emotional Healing curriculum. Today we taught on generational patterns and overcoming them by submission to God. We left the ladies with a handout of a prayer with a declaration on the flip side. They prayed for us and we prayed for them. We found them to be resilient and very strong in faith. We took pictures. There were tears and hugs…sadness and joy…
Group prayer at the end of Wednesday’s presentation
Saturday through Tuesday:
The moms (not all are moms) arrived this past Saturday and already are connecting with the girls and learning about the story of Villa Esperanza. They are working hard doing 14 hour work days there in the heat. This week one of the things they will be doing is teaching an Emotional Healing program created especially for the girls. Nicaragua does not have a vast social services program to help the girls through the ordeal of living the way they did prior to the Villa so when missionaries come they receive much more than we can imagine. Keep their program in prayer.
What encouragement would you like to give the girls of Villa Esperanza and/or our missionaries?
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